My 2011 "I Will" List
Oh well that it's basically March and I'm just now getting around to my goals for the year. I guess that means I'll have to work harder to get everything accomplished. I actually think that my list is quite manageable (albeit, long) this year.
Financial Goals
- Put away $600 for each baby's 529 Plan
- Pay down 20% of our mortgage (a 2010 goal that was reassigned due to the twins' birth)
- Double our savings
- Finish the basement
- Move last year's perennial garden in an effort to not fight the damn willow tree that grows like a gremlin
- Actually furnish and decorate our master bedroom
- Hold a garage sale, donate whatever doesn't sell to charity
- Stop feeling guilty for giving up my career to stay at home with my kids
- Remember to take pictures and videos of the babies at least weekly
- Slow down and enjoy the little moments as crazy as they are
- Nurse the twins for 6 months
- Record milestones and development
- Enroll in swim lessons and a mommy and me class and enjoy this time while they are little and everything is new
- Get my other kids out of the freezer and give them a shot at life
- Cook at home three times per week
- Make more time for family and friends
- Lose my baby weight and rock a bikini in Nantucket this summer
- Complete the C25K program and get back in running shape
- Run one 5K, one 10K and one half marathon
- Find road races to run with the twins
- (starting in July) Take time for myself to spin twice a week and run with my girlfriends (sans babies) once per week
- Run 250 miles this year