I am feeling some major mom guilt that Baby Lala is over 5 months old and I still haven't finished her room. Everything takes so much damn time. It's craziness. I brought the twins home to a fully decked out nursery. This kid has been living with nothing but a crib sheet and even that took me three months to have in hand.
Anyway, I kicked it into high gear this week and ordered her draperies. I wanted to also order her crib skirt and bumpers, but the skirt fabric was discontinued (of course it was, because I finally made up my mind) so the workroom is trying to track down a remnant from the manufacturer to make this happen for me. Fingers crossed.
Here are some (iPhone) pics of what it's looking like in there now...
The previously turquoise dresser needs a few more coats of wax (more on this DI-why?! another day) and then I need to remount the mirror. The daybed is actually going to be Ryan's big boy bed, but we're storing it in the nursery for now. So for now, pretend Reese's bed is built. That sloppy mess of crumpled fabric is me elegantly modeling her unbuilt headboard to see how it was all going to look.

We hung some sunburst mirrors and I finally gave up on my search for a dresser/hutch combo that would fit the space and settled on a dresser/bookcase piece instead for the other side of the room. I'm happy the hunt is over and my need for more drawer storage, display space and a place to put all of their bed-night books is solved. Win-win.
I also picked up a pair of antique child chairs ($30 for the pair!). Joe is going to cut 2" off of the legs making them slightly more toddler friendly and I need to clean them up and reupholster the seats. I plan on getting the girls this little
PBK table eventually. The bookcase thing just got here today, so forgive the lack of anything on the shelves. I don't know how to style shelves anyway and I am clutterphobic. But hopefully they'll look better than this someday.
I have plans to paint the back of the bookcase mushroom gray because it is not the nicest quality of non-wood out there and I think it will help it look fancy schmancier. Hopefully I am not wrong in that assessment.
The curtains will be just decorative panels with an inverted pleat in this fabric. I ordered flat roman shades which are the color of the walls when we first moved. Those should be ready for installation early next week. I found box pleated ribbon for the leading edge of the drapes and I am going to apply it myself to save some moolah. So that will be done by the time the girls are in kindergarten and first grade, respectively.
The art for above Reese's bed came in last week and I love it to pieces. I'm going to pick up some Ribba frames for it next month when I'm swinging by Ikea and those will also be painted in mushroom gray. I think these little touches will help balance out all the lavender and white.
I still need to find pretty, but not overly expensive, swing arm sconces that fit the bill. And then dare I say it, we may be kind of, almost done.
Lola seemed to really enjoy her new digs when we sat and admired her space today.
Gah! Baby toes. I just want to eat them. And how about that hair? It's not easy to pull off nearly bald, you know. Girlfriend is sleeping in her undecorated room 7-8 hours per night. Clearly she is unfettered by my lack of progress.