Hair Loss and Other Musings.
My hair is falling out in clumps. I freaking hate postpartum hair loss. I finally stopped being pregnant and I mostly stopped looking pregnant so I should be able to go merrily on my way. But no, now I have to go bald.
By the way, I need intense therapy after googling to find a bald cat for this post. Some searches should come with a warning label. It's like when I was teaching 9th grade and I let a few of my students borrow my computer at the end of class to look up the price of lacrosse sticks at Dick's Sporting Goods. You can only imagine. Horrific.
Anyway, I have a haircut later today. I got a babysitter and everything. And while I really want to start growing my hair out again, I think I may have to go with another mid-length (i.e. mommy) cut until my lion's mane grows out again. In the meantime, we just bought stock in liquid draino.
{ cut: left, color: right }
I don't think my hair has looked really good since I gave birth to the twins. And I probably should have never cut it all off after they were born. I thought it would be easier. Oops. Wrong. I wanted to have a cute shag like Reese Witherspoon or Selma Blair. Instead I look like Florence Henderson trying to channel Rachel from Friends. In other words, cutting all of my hair off was a bad idea.
Since I'm too tired to properly transition from this topic, and I somehow feel as though I've exhausted everything I wanted to say about going bald, I'm just going to dive right into something else.
Several of you mentioned you have a child named either Reese or Ryan. I have really cute first birthday shirts from the twins, if anyone can use them please email me and I'll ship them out to you! I hate to throw things like this away.
Also, I just got a notice that Google Reader will soon be no more. My blog is already available through BlogLovin. But I just registered for an account. And I don't like it.

Honestly, the thing I don't like about it is that the blogs are all truncated so you have to click through to read the full post (unless I'm doing something wrong). At 3 a.m. when I am feeding a baby and scrolling through blogs, I do not want to click into anything. I just want to read and sleep with my eyes open. Any tips on alternate readers? Please let me know.