Sunday, June 28, 2009

Week 2 Marathon Training

Found out Joe is running with me. So excited. What a surprise that was, I can't wait until he catches up with me in distance so we can train together.

Started week 2 of training this week, which is really week 1 for the second time. I'm going to repeat week 1 again next week too, just to get my bearings and then I'll move on to training weeks 2 through 12 (which will be weeks 4-14 of my training if that makes sense?)

Ran 4.1 miles in 33:33 today. I felt like I started off too fast, had to pace myself. The first half mile was a killer and I didn't hit my stride until about 17 minutes into my run. I was aiming for a 9 minute pace so I was trying to figure out how far I had gone by my watch. That wasn't easy to do. I think next time I'll mark my miles on a piece of paper, tuck it into my sports bra and check it once in a while to calculate my splits.

I found an awesome pace calculator here. According to it I ran 8 min 11 sec miles. What a surprise that was! I guess my speed training is helping after all?

Joe ran today too, 3 miles in 26 min 15 sec or an average of 8 min and 45 sec miles. Not bad for his first week! He's going to be running past me in no time (and then I'm in trouble).

We may train separately and run the race together, but I'm hoping we can eventually run at least the Sunday distance runs together. The weeks may be too hard with his work schedule.

Hopefully I can keep up this pace over the next 12 weeks!

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