Monday, March 18, 2013

Lily Bee's Boutique

My friend Steph is one of those Martha Stewart mommies that you want to hate for being so good at so many things, but she's way too kind and fun to hang out with to actually dislike. Her little ones, Lily and Landon, are cute as buttons and are always dressed to the nines in adorable little people outfits from J. Crack and Tea. Her house renovations are to die for and she's one of those people with impeccable style to boot.

While pregnant with her oldest, Steph started making baby items to calm that nesting instinct. People kept asking her where she bought her baby items and were shocked when they found out everything was DIY, thus Lily Bee's Boutique was born. And it's a side business! As in she does this in addition to being a full-time mommy and having a full-time career.

Lily Bee's signature items are handmade burp cloths with custom name tags and burp cloth 'cakes' for baby showers, but the shop also makes nursery art and other baby treats. After receiving a set myself when I had Lola, her burp cloths have become my go-to gift for expectant mothers. If you're going to get spit up on, it might as well be in style.

Feel free to check out some of her swag and like her facebook page.

To inquire about pricing and orders, email her here.